Weak coffee from B2C evolution, CO EX brewer

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Weak coffee from B2C evolution, CO EX brewer

Post by Lee@BIGBAPS »

I have an old B2C evolution coffee machine, on it's previous site for about 5 years no problems, 300-ish cups per week.

That place just closed down so I moved it to another site but the coffee is now weak and watery, I never noticed this issue at the old site. On a milky drink like a latte or cappuccino it's less noticeable but if you have any kind of black coffee it's pretty bad.

In the settings I've turned up the bean ingredient to the max on all drinks and it's still weak, the brewer takes loads of ground beans so I'm struggling with this one.

CO EX brewer is de-scaled weekly and I flush the machine on every visit (6 times weekly)

Could this be a pressure issue ? It still gives a full cup.

Some customers say it's better but some others are quite upset.

Instant machines FTW :thumbup:
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Re: Weak coffee from B2C evolution, CO EX brewer

Post by Coin Operated Group »

have you changed coffee/ its a very subjective taste I have learnt over the years.
Regards Matt

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Re: Weak coffee from B2C evolution, CO EX brewer

Post by Lee@BIGBAPS »

They had a instant machine before, some say they prefer it, it seemed weak to me but I've sampled a few more and it doesn't seem too bad now, I'll try a stronger bean

Coffee people have told me that Vending machines generally are weaker because they don't allow enough time to properly brew, customers don't want to stand infront of a machine for 3 minutes
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Re: Weak coffee from B2C evolution, CO EX brewer

Post by Coin Operated Group »

coex is a high pressure boiler. Shouldnt be an issue. You can adjust your brew time
Regards Matt
