Advice re rides

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Advice re rides

Post by Snackmore »

OK I am probably the idiot that will learn the hard way but I have bought a cheap imported ride today (you may have seen them on eBay) I only paid £149 and its brand new.

Having got it home and unwrapped it I do not think it is suitable for a site as kids could put their hands underneath and get them trapped (in the pulley) also its rubbish security (although would be suitable for one of my sites)

The question I am asking is how do I find out its up to the mark? If its only by getting an ADIPS then fair enough but I thought I would ask first rather than wasting more money.

Worst case scenario it will do for my kids for a while and then resell on ebay.

Any comments?

Incidentally the guy imported about 50 of them and is selling them off at a loss to get rid and free up his storage etc. Stated he paid £400 a unit

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Re: Advice re rides

Post by Coin Operated Group »

I looked at these too, but have bought some Chinese stuff before (quad bikes) and also learnt the hard way :oops:

Did they not have a EU conformity certificate at all? Only thing I can think is adips test and maybe try modding it by adding some rubber skirts to cover , if at all possible.
Ade is the kid ride expert and iIm sure can offer you some better advise.

£149 brand new :50: :D
Regards Matt
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Re: Advice re rides

Post by Atn »

Without CE certifications, ride (or any electric device) is illegal, even if it comes from the States. CE implies a lot of certifications, most important is Rohs, which so few people do. Any problems and insurance won't pay. Adips is not compulsory, it's only recommended, CE & Rohs are instead a legal obligation. Rohs certifications anything between £1200 and £2000, CE conformity around £5000. It's all about assembly and parts testing. When buying single rides or other amusement machines, stick to European, you pay a little more in the beginning, but saves a lot of headaches (and money) in the end. If you're importing containers, then yes do the certifications properly (at source) and you'll be ok.
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Re: Advice re rides

Post by Snackmore »

Didnt get a certificate as that would have been 50p more :rofl:

Looks like my kids have an early Christmas present then, mind you i did laugh at the sounds when you press the button they include what sounds like a woman from a Thai massage parlour saying she will love me for a long time and 'come and have a ride' it then plays a very loud machine gun noise which should really get the kids going :lol: It then goes on to the al- qaeda suicide bomb sound track, all very realistic.

Matt if you want to have a look before you buy pop over and bring some 50p's with you :-)

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Re: Advice re rides

Post by Coin Operated Group »

Does it actually take 50ps ? :Jig:
Regards Matt
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Re: Advice re rides

Post by Snackmore »

Bring a big bag full over and we shall see :cry:

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