Liability Insurance for Snack/drink/coffee machines

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Liability Insurance for Snack/drink/coffee machines

Post by T-Vend »


Just trying to get info from others as I look for options for Liability insurance for machines while on third party sites.
My current policy ends this month via Bateman group and they are no longer able to insure. I've also tried Clear insurance and it's a no there too.

One broker has come back to me and said that the reason it seems insurers are retreating from the vending market is due to a couple of high value claims (one a leg snapping on a machine and falling on someone, and the other being a coffee machine that caused extensive flooding... Why anyone would install a coffee machine without a water block is asking for trouble!).

I'd be grateful for any suggestions!

Siting Services
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Re: Liability Insurance for Snack/drink/coffee machines

Post by Siting Services »

Try these guys:

We used to send our Franchisees there and I have recommended them to many of my customers. Premiums were circa £100 pa - obviously it's dependent on size and turnover of your business.

Kind regards,
